Saturday 16 December 2017

BOOK REVIEW : "Nothging to be frightened of", by Julian Barnes

place of purchase : Kyobo bookstore in Shin Nonhyun
Date of purchase : probably Thursday, 26th October, 2017
Date of reading : Saturday, 16th December, 2017
place of last reading : cafe nearby Hanyang university

For a few months, Barnes caught my attention, and I decided to concentrate on his books. 'The sense of an Ending' was my first and made me love him. The second was 'The Noise of Time' which was also interesting. But, I could not finish reading 'Nothing To Be Frightened of'. I tried, but failed. 

This book can be categorized as non-fiction. It tells about his history, memoir. It tells about his belif, mentality, and principle. And unfortuantely, I could not concentrate on reading. It did not trigger my curiosity.

Perhaps, if I had read this book straight in 2 or 3 days, I might have finished it. But, I read this book mainly in subway during my commute, the lack of continuity and connection between pages made it almost impossible for me to extract a single interesting point from this book.

There is one line that got my attention, though. "What the novel does is it tells beautiful, shapely lies which enclose hard, exact truths." I completely agree on it. A novel contain stories, episodes which have not actually happned, but are based on reality. I say a novel is a mirror of our reality mixed with comedy and tragedy.

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