ONE of the most difficult things to me is to describe my personality or other's.
I do not mean describing it itself is difficult.
Human mind is complex and complicated,
so it is practically impossible to describe someone's personality without prejudice and fallacy.
People behave differently at different situations with different people each moment.
EVEN so, we need to do it because we are required to do so.
A novelist must be skilled at creating a character and the character's personality must be clear to the reader. Otherwise, no one would feel urged to read it. In a job interview, an interviewer usually asks our personality good and bad, which I think is a dumb question. But, we, interviewee, must know how to respond to this silly question. Also, we are frequently asked to describe someone from others.
I would like to present some effective adjectives which describe people. They only contain positive implication. I made a website link of the original source at the end of the post. They have been useful to me. I hope the same for you.
- capable of fitting a particular situation or use
When Connie's
parents divorced, she proved herself to be adaptable. It wasn't
easy, but she learned how to cope with this big change.
- willing to undertake new and daring enterprises
People who are
adventurous seek out the fun in life. They love to try something new--sometimes
an act that others would find scary. Adventurous people love to travel and try
new foods at a restaurant.
3. affectionate- having or displaying warmth or affection
- having a strong desire for success or achievement
- diffusing warmth and friendliness
- showing or having sympathy for another's suffering
7. considerate
- showing concern for the rights and feelings of others
8. courageous
- able to face and deal with danger or fear without flinching
9. courteous
- characterized by courtesy and gracious good manners
10. diligent
- characterized by care and perseverance in carrying out tasks
11. empathetic
- showing ready comprehension of others' states
When it comes to working with children it is important to be empathetic. My daughters might be upset for a ridiculous reason, but I can only help them if I understand why they truly feel as they do.
12. exuberant
- unrestrained, especially with regard to feelings
13. frank
- characterized by directness in manner or speech
14. generous
- willing to give and share unstintingly
15. gregarious
- temperamentally seeking and enjoying the company of others
16. impartial
- free from undue bias or preconceived opinions
17. intuitive
- obtained through instinctive knowledge
A lot of teaching is intuitive--the best teachers just know how to present things so that kids understand. (Related words: intuition and intuitively).
18. inventive
- marked by independence and creativity in thought or action
Inventive people
are able to find creative, ingenious solutions to problems. They might be able
to repair a car with a paper clip.
One of my favorite quotes is by Benjamin Franklin: "Necessity is the mother of invention." In other words, when there is a strong need, an invention to fill that need usually occurs.
One of my favorite quotes is by Benjamin Franklin: "Necessity is the mother of invention." In other words, when there is a strong need, an invention to fill that need usually occurs.
19. passionate
- having or expressing strong emotions
20. persistent
- stubbornly unyielding
21. philosophical
- meeting trouble with level-headed detachment
When teaching it is important to remain philosophical about a student's success. A teacher has a large part to play in a student's success, but ultimately I cannot "make" him learn. Actually learning something is up to him.
22. practical
- guided by experience and observation rather than theory
23. rational
- having its source in or being guided by the intellect
24. reliable
- worthy of trust
25. resourceful
- adroit or imaginative
26. sensible
- able to feel or perceive
27. sincere
- open and genuine; not deceitful
28. sympathetic
- expressing compassion or friendly fellow feelings
Their loss upsets you because you are sympathetic.
29. unassuming
- not arrogant
30. witty
- combining clever conception and facetious expression
Someone who is
witty combines humor with intelligence. A witty observation is funny but also
sophisticated. You need to be smart to understand a witty person's jokes.
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